Galactic Conqueror 1 - GETTING STARTED: On Amiga 1000, turn on your monitor, then your computer. Insert the Kickstart disk (no less than 1.2 version) into the internal drive. The Amiga will read the syste from this disk, then it will require the Workbench disk. Now you are in the common sequence of all Amiga models. On all Amiga 500, 2000 models insert the Galactic Conqueror disk into your disk drive (instead of Workbench disk). ATTENTION: You must never remove the GALACTIC CONQUEROR disk from the drive while it is being used. The disk must never be write protected because the high scores are stored on it. 2 - COMMANDS If you press simultaneously on the CTRL key and on the two Amiga keys the Amiga breaks the game and restore the system. F2 - allows you to save the map of a conflict situation if desired. F3 - brings back a map that has been saved. F4 - allows you to interrupt the fight if desired (return to the map) F5 - allows you to stop the game F6 - allows you to brake F7 - allows you to accelerate F8 - gives you a digitalized view of the fight as seen by the phone F10 - stops or starts the game (pause). To select the fight location, the arrow keys on the keyboard or the joystick are used; use the space bar to validate your choice. The Galactic fighter is controlled by the joystick. Commands wil interpreted as follows: UP = Lose altitude DOWN = gain altitude LEFT = turn left RIGHT = turn right FIRE BUTTON = FIRE At the end of the game, you can put your name beside your score. You do this by choosing the letters of your name one by one with the joysitck. You move the cursor with the joystick. Press the FIRE button to store each individual letter. When you have finished entering your name, move the cursor to the END display and press the FIRE button again. Your new score is now stored on the disk. If you wish to play right away, without listening to the presentation music just keep the FIRE button pressed as soon as the music starts. 3 - THE STORY: After Peace on Earth was finally achieved, a rebel movement was formed; their goal : to take absolute power. The Government was forced to engage in galactic fights in order to protect the interplanetary military base. GALLION. The Stellar League was created to protect GALLION. The League's technicians had just put the final touch to a breakthrough in modern development, the Galactic fighter THUNDER CLOUD II, with a firepower ten thousand times superior to its ancestor THUNDER CLOUD, and a negative ionization ultra-sensoriel protection shield. One major problem remaind : to find a pilot. After searching for several months, the League's scientists realized that the champions of the OFF SHORE Game, who possessed technique, stunning strategy and reflexes, were the most qualified to pilot THUNDER CLOUD II. Blake Baikal, Siberia - June 2080. YOU, the new champion of the OFF SHORE battle, are offered a mission of extreme importance : annihilate the enemies of Peace throughout the Galaxy. You will receive ten million dollars if you accept! In order to be part of the Galactic Squadron, you will have to go through extremely intensive training. Once you have passed all the tests, you will attain the rank of Conqueror. Then you will possess strategy and skill to be successful. In each fight you will be engaged, your life will be in danger. The life of millions is in jeopardy. Never let the enemy be closer than ten light-years from GALLION, where theGalaxy's defense weapons and top-secret research information are stored. Any wrong decision on your part could mean destruction for GALLION, and the end of the era of Peace..... 4 - YOUR MISSION : As a Conqueror, YOU enter the Mother-ship which will take you to GALLION where the best equipment will allow you to detect enemy positions throughout the Galaxy. Through the surveillance probe, you will get information regarding the 416 planets of the interstellar group, as well as the names and codes of enemy ships. We advise you to select groups of planets which are under enemy domination (red planets) or very far from ally planets (blue planets). At all times, you will have to be aware of the way the invasion is progressing, in order not to leave the blue planets which are near GALLION without protection in front of a large number of assailants. While in mission, you will be watched over by the surveillance probe which will allow you to be teleported at once if you need it, and will give you digitalized view of the fight (F8 key). THUNDER CLOUD II is equipped with a protection shield which is reinforced after each conflict. You will be kept informed on the condition of your shield by the display on the top right of the screen. As your shield is depleted the blue coating recedes towards the center of the gauge, and once the coating has gone your shield has been destroyed and the next hit will destroy your space fighter! A bright halo surrounding the fighter will indicate that the shield has received a violent impact; in case of destruction of the shield, the pilot is teleported at once to the Mother-ship before THUNDER CLOUS II explodes. Since an unlimited number of fighters is available to you, you can select a less dangerous planet and go there immediately. Each mission includes the 3 following stage: 1 - The ground fight: You will be confronted with mines, probe-robots, missiles and also meteorites. At the end of the ground fight you will be automatically brought back to the Mother-ship to have your shield reloaded and THUNDER CLOUD II repaired. 2 - The earial fight: Doing tail-spins, you will encounter the Enemy Space Army, missiles and meteorites. Attention! Your shield will be damaged according to your enemy firepower. Once rid of all your aerial enemies, you will go back to the Mother-ship to have your shield reinforced and THUNDER CLOUD II reapired before the third stage. 3 - The space fight: You will fight the rest of the space enemy troops and then be transported back to the Mother-ship. Attention! During the space fight you may encounter the Imperial Enemy Ship, going from planet to planet,delivering troops. It is impossible to detect, you will not be warned before it appears. Because of the threat it presents, the League will offer an extra bonus for its destruction. 4 - After the space fight you will be transported back to the Mother-ship. Then examine the map of the Galaxy to evaluate enemy progression and select a new planet to defend according to priority. For each new mission you will have to win the three fight stages. Remember that GALLION is constantly threatened; a wrong strategic choice could be fatal. 5 - Technical Information: THUNDER CLOUD II - description : Galactic Fighter Built in 2077 on GALLION. Firepower: 1000 000 000 GW/second (10000 times more powerful than THUNDER CLOUD) Equipped with a negative ionization ultra-sensoriel protection shield which can be reinforced after each fight stage. * MOTHER SHIP - description : Built in 2060 on GALLION. Firepower - 200 lasers which give a total power of one billion GW/second. 500 photon cannons of 500 000 GW/second each. Same type of shield as THUNDER CLOUD II, but with positive ionization. Role: Transportation of ally troops throughout the Galaxy. Team of expert technicians on board who can repair the ships at all times. * ARTIFICIAL PLANETS: * GALLION : description : Large artifical satellite located in the heart of the Galaxy. Built in 2050. Role: Strategic point - most important space station. Contains highest technical imformation, space research projects and team of most competenet technicians. Residence of the Stellar League. * 4 MOONS, GALLION SATELLITES: - description - Built in 2055. Contains the Stellar League's best defense traingin centers. Role: Fuel stations for the League's ships. * 4 MOONS, LOCATED IN THE CORNERS OF THE GALAXY: - description - Same type of satellite as the one above. Built in 2055. Contains the surveillance probes which will warn off all enemy attacks. Role: Limit the League's space territory. * IMPERIAL ENEMY SHIP: description: Built in 2075; place unknown. Only 4 slhips detected so far. Can transport 8000 enemy space ships and 1000 probe-robots. Firepower - 500 photon cannons with a power of 200 000 GW/second each. 250 photon cannons with a power of 400 000 GW/second each. Role: transportation of enemy troops throughtout the Galaxy. * ENEMY SPACE FIGHTERS - description: Built in 2076 on the Imperial Enemy Ship. Destroyed by any laser impact from THUNDER CLOUD II. Role: Invade the Stellar League's planets. Concentrate on trying to take GALLION and seize top-secret information. 4 types of fighters: Type 1 - 2 proton cannons 250 000 GW/second each. Deliver space mines. Type 2 - 1 photon cannon 300 000 GW/second each. Deliver automatic robots. Type 3 - 2 proton cannons, 100 000 GW/second each. Deliver probe-robots. Type 4 - 2 photon cannons, 300 000 GW/second each. Extremely fast, the most powerful of all enemy space fighters. THINGS YOU WILL NEED TO DESTROY: * PROBE-ROBOTS: - Built in 2077. Send information directly to the Imperial Enemy Ship. * SPACE MINES - Built in 2077. Distrubs circulation of ally ships in space. Spread out in the Galaxy. Explode on metallic contact. * METEORITES - Planet residues which move around in space. Exist in different sizes: larger one damages protection shields. *AUTOMATIC ROBOTS: Built in 2077. Transmit information to the Imperial Enemy Ship. * MISSILE LAUNCHER CRATERS: Built in 2077. Present on planet surfaces: you will encounter them during ground fights only. Launch 2 different types of missiles: Missiles 1: Built in 2077. Firepower: 100 000 GW/second. Explode on impact. Missiles 2: Built in 2077. Firepower: 200 000 GW/second. Explode on impact. 6 - SCORE AND BONUS: SCORE: POINTS Imperial Enemy Ship 1000 Enemy Space Fighter 1 2500 Enemy Space Fighter 2 2000 Enemy Space Fighter 3 2500 Enemy Space Fighter 4 3000 Probe-robot 1000 Mine 1500 Meteorite 1 500 Meteorite 2 200 Meteorite 3 500 Crater 200 Missile 1 500 Missile 2 500 Automatic robot 1000 BONUS: Imperial Enemy Ship 100000 Enemy Space Fighter 1 1500 Enemy Space Fighter 2 2500 Enemy Space Fighter 3 3500 Enemy Space Fighter 4 4500 Successful fight stage 1 10000 Successful fight stage 2 15000 Successful fight stage 3 20000 Successful fight stage 4 30000 Pacified planet 40000 1 of the 8 Moons pacified 50000 7 - STRATEGY PLANS: Priorities: When presented with several conflict situations, select your priorities in the following order: 1 - One of the 4 moons around GALLION has been invaded. 2 - A red planet near GALLION has been invaded. 3 - One of the 4 planets in the corners of the Galaxy has been invaded 4 - An ally (blue) planet is surrounded by enemy planets. 5 - Presence of a large group of enemy planets. 6 - Presesnce of the Imperial Enemy Ship. If two similar conflict situations happen at the same time, choose the conflict closest to GALLION. EXAMPLES OF SITUATIONS YOU MAY ENCOUNTER - EXPLANATIONS - PROPOSED SOLUTIONS: * One of the 4 moons around GALLION has been invaded: - Choice a: Watch the moons in the corners of the Galaxy - upper right: One enemy planet is close to a moon - upper left: Watch the enemy planet : slight risk of invasion. - Choice b: Watch ally planets in the Galaxy :one is surrounded by enemy planets : danger - Choice c: One of the moons close to GALLION has been invaded : very important threat for GALLION. According to the order of priorities, we recommend choice c in order to avoid the invasion of GALLION at all cost. * A planet near GALLION has been invaded: - Choice a: Check the moons in the corners of the Galaxy: all are surrounded by ally planets : no danger. - Choice b: An ally planet is surrounded by enemy planets : great danger of invasion. - Choice c: Presence of a group of enemy planets: danger of invasion for the ally planets which are close by. - Choice d: Watch the moons surrounding GALLION :no visible danger. - Choice e: An enemy planet is very close to GALLION According to the order of priorities, we recommend choice e, then b, then c. * One of the 4 moons in the corners of the Galaxy has been invaled: - Choice a: Check the moons around GALLION : they are all surrounded by ally planets : no danger. - Choice b: Presesnce of a group of enemy planets. - Choice c: Check ally planets in the Galaxy : no danger. - Choice d: Check the moons in the corners of the Galaxy in the upper left, a few planets and a moon have been invaded. Since GALLION is not being threatened, the first priority should be d because a moon is under enemy domination. * An ally planet is surrounded by enemy planets: - Choice a: Check the moons in the corners of the Galaxy : they are surrounded by ally planets : no danger - Choice b: check the moons surrounding GALLION : many allies are close by : no danger - Choice c: An ally planet is surrounded by enemy planets. - CHoice d: another ally planet close to GALLION is in danger. Two similar situations are happening at the same time (2 ally planets being surrounded by enemy planets). We recommend choice d because of the threat to GALLION. To protect the endangered planet, click one of the surrounding planets. * Presence of a large group of enemy planets: - Choice a: check the moons around GALLION : no visible danger. - Choice b: check the moons in the corners of the Galaxy : no enemy planet close to any of them. - Choice c: check ally planets in the Galaxy : none seems threatened. - Choice d: many enemy planets present a threat to ally planets nearby. a, b and c show no danger to GALLION, we recommend choice d. To reduce the group of enemy planets, click one of them and try to pacify as many as possible. Don't forget to watch for conflicts that could be more important to the protection of GALLION. *Presence of the Imperial Enemy Ship: - Choice a: check the moons surrounding GALLION : no danger. - Choice b: check the moons in the corners of the Galaxy : no enemy planet close by. - Choice c: check ally planets in the Galaxy : no visible danger for any of them. - Choice d: Presence of a group of enemy planets and presence of the Imperial Enemy Ship. If no threatening situation is happening when you notice the Imperial Enemy Ship on the map, click the planet it is in orbit around, climinate it during a space fight and earn a large bonue when you return.